Mountaineer Media

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Snapped: Were you at our Fife Street happy hour? We might have you on camera!

Wow! Since we launched Mountaineer Media in 2020, we've made it part of our mission to host live events and get-togethers all around West Virginia. Back in September, we made history, and had our gathering at Fife Street Brewing in Downtown Charleston.

To make sure we did the event justice, we made sure to document it as much as possible, and thanks to Jake Ruddle from Ruddshots, we did just that!

He snapped some incredible candid photos, and if you were in attendance, he probably got you on camera, too! Make sure to check out the gallery below to see if Jake caught you cheesing :-)

Also, here's a link to the Ruddshots Facebook page...we highly recommend him!

Click here to see the pics on our Flickr*