A Confession and Commitment to Mindful Media Habits in 2024

I'd like to make a confession: I'm one of those people who genuinely enjoys setting New Year's Resolutions…

Yes, I'm aware it's a common target for cynicism — think of the classic jibe, "Let's see how crowded the gym is in February!" But, to be frank, I find those who mock New Year's resolutions more tiresome than those who share their goals for the year.

For many of us, myself included, setting goals provides clarity and structure to our ambitions, which significantly increases the likelihood of achieving them.

As we step into 2024, I'm aiming to be more deliberate about my media habits. Below, I've outlined some of my mindsets for the New Year.

Create More, Passively Scroll Less

We often find ourselves immersed in social media, only to realize after 15 minutes that we've retained very little. This year, my focus is on producing high-quality content about West Virginia and minimizing passive-dopamine-seeking-mindless scrolling habits. For me, creating content is a beautiful blend of creative expression, therapy and public service. These incredible WV stories are out there, I’m just pulling them down from the clouds and bottling them up for others to learn from and enjoy.

Delve into In-depth Investigative Reads

In an era dominated by short-form videos and 200 character tweets, I'm dedicating myself to acquiring a deeper, contextual understanding of critical WV issues. My goal for 2024 is to read at least three comprehensive investigative pieces each week. When I interview influential West Virginians on the podcast, I want to be actually informed, not just “generally aware of” these important aspects of life in my home state.

Consume More Local Media

Accuracy often improves with proximity to the source. We've all noticed how national news can miss the nuances of stories about WV. To get a better local perspective, I plan to intentionally consume 10 local stories (videos or blogs) weekly, striving to understand the issues from a local viewpoint.

Reconnect with Books

Books written decades ago often contain foundational truths and insights that remain relevant. I aim to read several historical books about West Virginia to gain a deeper appreciation of its past and apply it to building the future. Coal mining, politics & cultural studies, all of these things are already well documented, but piecing these narratives together to tell the full story is where the magic lies.

Support WV Content Creators

Digital storytelling has a unique power, especially when creators share their authentic journeys from their own perspectives. I'm on a quest to discover and follow 10 more WV content creators, enriching my understanding of our state through their eyes. I’d also like to share that Mountaineer Media would love to collaborate with content creators. We have successful track record partnering with creators and amplifying their body of work.

Thanks for reading! Any ideas or feedback you’d like to share? Drop me a note here.


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